Recordings made Wednesday, October 31, 1906
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= Recordings are available for online listening. = Recordings were issued from this master. No recordings issued from other masters.
Company | Matrix Number | Size | First Take Date | Title | Primary Performer | Description | |
Victor | B-3844 | 10-in. | 10/2/1906 | When her beauty begins to fade | Haydn Quartet | Male vocal quartet, with orchestra | |
Victor | B-3947 | 10-in. | 10/31/1906 | When the flowers bloom in springtime, Molly dear | Haydn Quartet | Male vocal quartet, with orchestra | |
Victor | C-3948 | 12-in. | 10/31/1906 | When the snow birds cross the valley | Haydn Quartet ; Harry Macdonough | Male vocal quartet and male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Victor | B-3949 | 10-in. | 10/31/1906 | Good-bye, sweet Maryland | Haydn Quartet | Male vocal quartet, with orchestra | |
Columbia | 1985 | 10-in. | approximately 1904 | Torna a Surriento | Eugenio Cibelli | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Columbia | 1987 | 10-in. | approximately 1904 | 'A gelosia | Eugenio Cibelli | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Columbia | 1988 | 10-in. | August-October 1906 | Pusilleco addiruso! | Eugenio Cibelli | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Columbia | 1989 | 10-in. | approximately 1904 | Torna Maggio! | Eugenio Cibelli | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Columbia | 1994 | 10-in. | approximately 1904 | Notte sul mare | Eugenio Cibelli | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Columbia | 3475 | 10-in. | between January and October 1906 | I don't know where I'm goin' but I'm on my way | Bob Roberts | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Columbia | 3489 | 10-in. | ca. Jan.-Oct. 1906 | Not because your hair is curly | Billy Murray | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Columbia | 3490 | 10-in. | ca. April.-Oct. 1906 | Destruction of San Francisco | Prince's Military Band | Band | |
Columbia | 3491 | 10-in. | between January and October 1906 | The mayor of Tokio : Selections | Ossman-Dudley Trio | Instrumental trio | |
Columbia | 3492 | 10-in. | between January and October 1906 | The artillerist's oath | Columbia Quartette | Male vocal quartet | |
Columbia | 3493 | 10-in. | between January and October 1906 | Come take a skate with me | Collins and Harlan | Male vocal duet, with orchestra | |
Columbia | 3494 | 10-in. | ca. Jan.-Oct. 1906 | Susan, kiss me good and hard | Collins and Harlan | Male vocal duet, with orchestra | |
Columbia | 3495 | 10-in. | between January and October 1906 | Morremo | Gina Ciaparelli ; Taurino Parvis | Vocal duet (soprano and baritone), with orchestra | |
Columbia | 3496 | 10-in. | ca. Jan.-Oct. 1906 | Se tu m'ami | Gina Ciaparelli ; Taurino Parvis | Vocal duet (soprano and baritone), with orchestra | |
Columbia | 3497 | 10-in. | between January and October 1906 | Let me like a soldier fall | George Alexander | Tenor vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Columbia | 3498 | 10-in. | between January and October 1906 | All through the night | Henry Burr | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Columbia | 3499 | 10-in. | between January and October 1906 | Love me and the world is mine | Henry Burr | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Columbia | 3500 | 10-in. | ca. Jan.-Oct. 1906 | My little Dutch Colleen | Billy Murray | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Columbia | 3501 | 10-in. | between January and October 1906 | Cheer up Mary | Frank C. Stanley ; Harry Tally | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Columbia | 3502 | 10-in. | between January and October 1906 | La paloma | Rosa Linde Wright | Female vocal solo, with piano | |
Columbia | 3503 | 10-in. | ca. Jan.-Oct. 1906 | Uncle Josh at a roller skating rink | Cal Stewart | Comic monologue | |
Columbia | 3536 | 10-in. | ca. Oct. 1906 | He's a cousin of mine | Bert Williams | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Columbia | 30020 | 12-in. | between January and October 1906 | Who is Sylvia? | David Scull Bispham | Baritone vocal solo, with piano | |
Columbia | 30032 | 12-in. | between January and October 1906 | Da quel di | Gina Ciaparelli ; Taurino Parvis | Vocal duet (soprano and baritone), with orchestra | |
Columbia | 30033 | 12-in. | between January and October 1906 | Rivedrai le foreste imbalsamate | Gina Ciaparelli ; Taurino Parvis | Vocal duet (soprano and baritone), with orchestra | |
Columbia | 30034 | 12-in. | between January and October 1906 | The lost chord | Mrs. A. Stewart Holt | Female vocal solo, with violin, flute, and organ | |
Columbia | 8007 | 10-in. | approximately Oct.-Nov. 1906 | Čupr chasa | Jan V. Hofreiter-Rokycanský | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Columbia | 8008 | 10-in. | approximately Oct.-Nov. 1906 | Jen do toho | Jan V. Hofreiter-Rokycanský | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Columbia | 8009 | 10-in. | approximately Oct.-Nov. 1906 | Louka zelená | Jan V. Hofreiter-Rokycanský | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Columbia | 8010 | 10-in. | approximately Oct.-Nov. 1906 | Jsme jen jednou na světě | Jan V. Hofreiter-Rokycanský | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Columbia | 8016 | 10-in. | approximately Oct.-Nov. 1906 | E mane, to se ti nestane! | Jan V. Hofreiter-Rokycanský | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Columbia | 8017 | 10-in. | approximately Oct.-Nov. 1906 | Nando, ty jsi ta mys forová | Jan V. Hofreiter-Rokycanský | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Columbia | 8019 | 10-in. | approximately Oct.-Nov. 1906 | Bez tečh zen | Jan V. Hofreiter-Rokycanský | Male vocal quartet, with orchestra | |
Gramophone | 545i | 12-in. | approximately Oct. 1906 | Piangi fanciulla | Maria Galvany ; Titta Ruffo | Vocal duet (soprano and baritone), with orchestra | |
Gramophone | 547i | 12-in. | Oct. 1906 | Sinfonia (Overture) | Teatro alla Scala Orchestra | Orchestra | |
Gramophone | 550i | 12-in. | approximately Oct. 1906 | Le minaccie, i fieri accenti | Emanuele Ischierdo ; Titta Ruffo | Vocal duet (tenor and baritone), with orchestra | |
Gramophone | 791c | 12-in. | October 1906 | Largo al factotum | Titta Ruffo | Baritone vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Gramophone | 792c | 12-in. | October 1906 | Dio possente | Titta Ruffo | Baritone vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Gramophone | 793c | 12-in. | ca. Oct. 1906 | Pace, pace mio dio | Celestina Boninsegna | Soprano vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Gramophone | 801c | 12-in. | October 1906 | Com'è gentil | Aristodemo Giorgini | Tenor vocal solo, with chorus and orchestra | |
Gramophone | 1016r | 10-in. | ca. Oct. 1906 | Kungl. Svea Livgardes paradmarsch | Militär Orkestern | Band | |
Gramophone | 4679l | 10-in. | ca. Oct. 1906 | Vor Gud han er så fast en borg | Hans Hedemark | Tenor vocal solo, with organ | |
Gramophone | 4717L | 10-in. | October 1906 | Julemorro paa landet med vals | Adolf Østby | Monologue | |
Gramophone | 4725L | 10-in. | October 1906 | Et bondebal med halling og springdans | Adolf Østby | Monologue, with clarinet | |
Gramophone | 4728h | 10-in. | approximately Oct. 1906 | Aria della regina | Maria Galvany | Soprano solo, with orchestra | |
Gramophone | 4732h | 10-in. | approximately Oct. 1906 | Una voce poco fa | Maria Galvany | Soprano vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Gramophone | 4733h | 10-in. | approximately Oct. 1906 | Miei Signori | Titta Ruffo | Baritone vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Gramophone | 9059b | 10-in. | approximately October 1906 | Il balen del suo sorriso | Titta Ruffo | Baritone vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Gramophone | 9060b | 10-in. | approximately October 1906 | Di Provenza al mar | Titta Ruffo | Baritone vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Gramophone | 9077b | 10-in. | October 1906 | Vieni la mia vendetta | Andrés de Segurola | Baritone vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Gramophone | 9089b | 10-in. | Oct. 1906 | Yamanta wahichni | Mohamed Farid | Male vocal solo | |
Gramophone | 9090b | 10-in. | Oct. 1906 | Yamanta wahichni | Mohamed Farid | Male vocal solo | |
Gramophone | 9091b | 10-in. | Oct. 1906 | Yamanta wahichni | Mohamed Farid | Male vocal solo | |
Gramophone | 9092b | 10-in. | Oct. 1906 | Yamanta wahichni | Mohamed Farid | Male vocal solo | |
Gramophone | 9131b | 10-in. | October 1906 | Catily bighangue el kahali | Sayed El Safti | Male vocal solo | |
Gramophone | 9132b | 10-in. | October 1906 | Catily bighangue el kahali | Sayed El Safti | Male vocal solo | |
Gramophone | 9173b | 10-in. | Oct. 1906 | Gohouab el garieh | El Sayed Eschta | Comic monologue | |
Gramophone | 9176b | 10-in. | Oct. 1906 | El mesaharati | El Sayed Eschta | Comic monologue | |
Gramophone | 9181b | 10-in. | Oct. 1906 | El nom harram agfami | Mohamed Salem El Kébir | Male vocal solo | |
Gramophone | 9182b | 10-in. | Oct. 1906 | El nom harram agfami | Mohamed Salem El Kébir | Male vocal solo | |
Gramophone | 9183b | 10-in. | Oct. 1906 | Ya man asarani | Mohamed Salem El Kébir | Male vocal solo | |
Gramophone | 9184b | 10-in. | Oct. 1906 | Ya man asarani | Mohamed Salem El Kébir | Male vocal solo | |
Gramophone | 9185b | 10-in. | Oct. 1906 | Ya hleoua ya habibi | Mohamed Salem El Kébir | Male vocal solo | |
Gramophone | 9186b | 10-in. | Oct. 1906 | Ahlan ouasahlan | Mohamed Salem El Kébir | Male vocal solo | |
Gramophone | 9197b | 10-in. | Oct. 1906 | Chéribte el sabre | Mohamed Salem El Kébir | Male vocal solo | |
Gramophone | 9198b | 10-in. | Oct. 1906 | Chéribte el sabre | Mohamed Salem El Kébir | Male vocal solo | |
Gramophone | 9233½b | 10-in. | October 1906 | Souret Mariem | Mohamed (El Chaikh) Selim | Male vocal solo | |
Gramophone | 9234b | 10-in. | October 1906 | Souret Youssef | Mohamed (El Chaikh) Selim | Male vocal solo | |
Gramophone | 9235b | 10-in. | October 1906 | Souret tah | Mohamed (El Chaikh) Selim | Male vocal solo | |
Gramophone | 9236b | 10-in. | October 1906 | Souret el essra | Mohamed (El Chaikh) Selim | Male vocal solo | |
Gramophone | 9237b | 10-in. | October 1906 | Souret el Kahfe | Mohamed (El Chaikh) Selim | Male vocal solo | |
Gramophone | 9238b | 10-in. | October 1906 | Souret el-Haka | Mohamed (El Chaikh) Selim | Male vocal solo | |
Gramophone | 9261b | 10-in. | Oct. 1906 | Toubi Yo heloua toubi | Musique Militaire | Band | |
Gramophone | 9263b | 10-in. | Oct. 1906 | El Bogdadii | Musique Militaire | Band | |
Gramophone | 9265b | 10-in. | Oct. 1906 | Nar el-echk | Musique Militaire | Band | |
Gramophone | 9281b | 10-in. | ca. Oct. 1906 | Badegh el habib | Abd-el-Hai Effendi Helmi | Male vocal solo, with instrumental accompaniment | |
Gramophone | 9282b | 10-in. | ca. Oct. 1906 | Badegh el habib | Abd-el-Hai Effendi Helmi | Male vocal solo, with instrumental accompaniment | |
Gramophone | 9283b | 10-in. | ca. Oct. 1906 | Badegh el habib | Abd-el-Hai Effendi Helmi | Male vocal solo, with instrumental accompaniment | |
Gramophone | 9297b | 10-in. | ca. Oct. 1906 | El henna el henna | Abd-el-Hai Effendi Helmi | Male vocal solo, with instrumental accompaniment | |
Gramophone | 9298b | 10-in. | ca. Oct. 1906 | El henna el henna | Abd-el-Hai Effendi Helmi | Male vocal solo, with instrumental accompaniment | |
Gramophone | 9737u | 10-in. | approximately October 1906 | Boulanger march | Albert Müller | Bells solo, with orchestra | |
Zonophone | 5447 | 10-in. | Before Nov. 1906 | Old Mother Hubbard | Al S. Holt | Comic monologue, with imitations | |
Zonophone | 6104 | 10-in. | Before Nov. 1906 | Don't notice me | Arthur Collins | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Zonophone | 6132 | 10-in. | Before Nov. 1906 | Gertana | Hager's Orchestra | Orchestra | |
Zonophone | 6155 | 10-in. | Before Nov. 1906 | Yeoman's wedding song | Alan Turner | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Zonophone | 6779 | 10-in. | Before Nov. 1906 | Dancing sunrays | Edward T. King ; Zonophone Orchestra | Bells, with orchestra | |
Zonophone | 6783 | 10-in. | Before Nov. 1906 | When Daddy sings the little ones to sleep | Ada Jones | Female vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Zonophone | 6787 | 10-in. | Before Nov. 1906 | Autograph waltzes | Hager's Orchestra | Orchestra | |
Zonophone | 6789 | 10-in. | Before Nov. 1906 | When Tommy Atkins marries Dolly Gray | Billy Murray | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Zonophone | 6792 | 10-in. | Before Nov. 1906 | You can never tell by the label | Billy Murray | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Zonophone | 6797 | 10-in. | Before Nov. 1906 | Autograph waltz | Billy Murray | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Zonophone | 6804 | 10-in. | Before Nov. 1906 | Jim Jackson's last farewell | Ada Jones ; Len Spencer | Comic scene, with orchestra | |
Zonophone | 6816 | 10-in. | Before Nov. 1906 | The stars, the stripes and you | Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Zonophone | 6824 | 10-in. | Before Nov. 1906 | Das lustige Musikmadchen | Hager's Orchestra | Orchestra | |
Zonophone | 6827 | 10-in. | Before Nov. 1906 | When Tommy Atkins marries Dolly Gray | Hager's Orchestra | Orchestra | |
Zonophone | 6831 | 10-in. | Before Nov. 1906 | Washington Post march | Zonophone Concert Band | Band | |
Zonophone | 6832 | 10-in. | Before Nov. 1906 | Andulko safarova | Zonophone Concert Band | Band | |
Zonophone | 6833 | 10-in. | Before Nov. 1906 | Pretty Peggy | W. S. Mygrant | Cornet solo, with orchestra | |
Zonophone | 6834 | 10-in. | Before Nov. 1906 | Der lustige Hollander | Zonophone Concert Band | Band | |
Zonophone | 6834 | 10-in. | Before Nov. 1906 | Muziky, muziky | Zonophone Concert Band | Band | |
Zonophone | 6839 | 10-in. | Before Nov. 1906 | Silver suckers parade | Zonophone Concert Band | Band | |
Zonophone | 6849 | 10-in. | Before Nov. 1906 | When the flowers bloom in springtime, Molly dear | Byron G. Harlan | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Zonophone | 6858 | 10-in. | Before Nov. 1906 | Would you leave your happy home for me? | Arthur Collins ; Byron G. Harlan | Male vocal duet, with orchestra | |
Zonophone | 6865 | 10-in. | Before Nov. 1906 | Bay State quickstep | Vess L. Ossman | Banjo solo, with orchestra | |
Zonophone | 6879 | 10-in. | Before Nov. 1906 | Bendemeer's stream | George Alexander | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Zonophone | 7008 | 10-in. | Before Nov. 1906 | Artist's life | Zonophone Concert Band | Band | |
Zonophone | [Zo cat 437] | 10-in. | Before Nov. 1906 | Belle of the ball | Byron G. Harlan | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Zonophone | [Zo cat 585] | 10-in. | Before Nov. 1906 | Bay State quickstep | Vess L. Ossman | Banjo solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8262 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Sunflower dance | Vess L. Ossman | Banjo solo, with piano | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8333 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Come back to Erin | Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8397 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | El capitan | Band (probably Leeds & Catlin house band) | Band | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8404 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | The whirlwind polka | Bohumir Kryl | Cornet solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8443 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | New colonial march | Band (probably Leeds & Catlin house band) | Band | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8473 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | In the good old summer time | Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8485 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | The musical Yankee | Len Spencer | Descriptive scene, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8549 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Christians, awake! | Henry Burr ; Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal duet, with male vocal quartet, orchestra, organ, and chimes | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8551 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | O come, all ye faithful | Henry Burr ; Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal duet, with male vocal quartet, orchestra, organ, and chimes | |
Leeds & Catlin | 7030 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | A lonesome little maid | Henry Burr | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8125 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | I'm thinking 'bout you honey, all the time | Collins and Harlan | Male vocal duet, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8141 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Cheer up, cherries will soon be ripe | Harry Tally | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8235 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | My Mariuccia take a steamship | Dan W. Quinn | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8281 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | With sword and lance | Orchestra (probably Leeds & Catlin house orchestra) | Orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8286 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | The cingalee | Orchestra (probably Leeds & Catlin house orchestra) | Orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8288 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Tancredi overture | Orchestra (probably Leeds & Catlin house orchestra) | Orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8291 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | King cotton | Orchestra (probably Leeds & Catlin house orchestra) | Orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8292 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | By the Swanee River | Orchestra (probably Leeds & Catlin house orchestra) | Orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8293 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | The peacemaker | Orchestra (probably Leeds & Catlin house orchestra) | Orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8353 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Maritana overture | Orchestra (probably Leeds & Catlin house orchestra) | Orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8366 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Beauty's eyes | Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8367 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Alice, where art thou? | Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8370 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Kathleen Mavourneen | Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8381 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | In Dreamland | Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8381 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Ain't you coming back to old New Hampshire, Molly? | Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8387 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | La sorella | Band (probably Leeds & Catlin house band) | Band | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8393 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Poet and peasant overture | Band (probably Leeds & Catlin house band) | Band | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8408 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Eileen Alannah | Bohumir Kryl | Cornet solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8442 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | 1812 overture : Solonelle | Band (probably Leeds & Catlin house band) | Band | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8451 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Eileen Alannah | Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal solo | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8459 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | The song that reached my heart | Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal solo, with piano | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8461 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | My sweetheart when a boy | Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal solo, with piano | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8474 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Maritana : Let me like a soldier fall | Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8494 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | The geisha | Band (probably Leeds & Catlin house band) | Band | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8495 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | H.M.S. Pinafore | Band (probably Leeds & Catlin house band) | Band | |
Leeds & Catlin | 8523 | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | The miner's dream of home | Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal solo, with chimes and orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45263] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | A country girl | Orchestra (probably Leeds & Catlin house orchestra) | Orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45274] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Won't you come over to my house? | Harry Tally | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45279] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | The garden of sleep | Orchestra (probably Leeds & Catlin house orchestra) | Orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45314] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | A little boy called "Taps” | Band (probably Leeds & Catlin house band) | Band | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45320] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Chorus, gentlemen! | Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal solo, with vocal group and piano | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45334] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Hark! The herald angels sing | Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal solo, with orchestra, organ, and chimes | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45338] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Pomp and circumstance | Band (probably Leeds & Catlin house band) | Band | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45339] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Les cloches de Corneville | Band (probably Leeds & Catlin house band) | Band | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45340] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | The orchid | Band (probably Leeds & Catlin house band) | Band | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45255] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | A little lunch for two | Harry Tally | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45256] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Mr. McGuire, esquire | Dan W. Quinn | Male vocal solo | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45258] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Smile on me | Harry Tally | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45259] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Carolina | Harry Tally | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45264] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | The Dutchess of Dantzie | Orchestra (probably Leeds & Catlin house orchestra) | Orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45267] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Josie | Orchestra (probably Leeds & Catlin house orchestra) | Orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45268] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Laughing water | Orchestra (probably Leeds & Catlin house orchestra) | Orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45272] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Why don't you try? | Harry Tally | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45273] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Alice, where art thou? | Harry Tally | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45277] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Camp meeting time | Harry Tally | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45278] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Salut d' amour | Orchestra (probably Leeds & Catlin house orchestra) | Orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45280] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Honor bright | Orchestra (probably Leeds & Catlin house orchestra) | Orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45281] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Delicia | Orchestra (probably Leeds & Catlin house orchestra) | Orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45283] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Sunbeams and shadows | Orchestra (probably Leeds & Catlin house orchestra) | Orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45284] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Regatta march | Orchestra (probably Leeds & Catlin house orchestra) | Orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45285] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | High society | Orchestra (probably Leeds & Catlin house orchestra) | Orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45286] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | The yeoman's wedding | Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45287] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Walking home with Angeline | Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45290] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | A warrior bold | Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45295] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | The squirrel's dance | Band (probably Leeds & Catlin house band) | Band | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45298] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | The Mikado : Selections | Band (probably Leeds & Catlin house band) | Band | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45300] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | She's so much like you, Mother | Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45301] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Two little sailor boys | Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45304] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | The better land | Bohumir Kryl | Cornet solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45308] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Carmena | Bohumir Kryl | Cornet solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45310] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Whirlwind polka | Band (probably Leeds & Catlin house band) | Band | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45313] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Imperial Edward march | Band (probably Leeds & Catlin house band) | Band | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45315] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Navajo | Band (probably Leeds & Catlin house band) | Band | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45316] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | The lost chord | Bohumir Kryl | Cornet solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45321] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | The Beefeater | Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal solo, with piano | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45322] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | The vicar of Bray | Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45323] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | God save the King | Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45324] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Maritana : Scenes that are brightest | Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45325] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Three for Jack | Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45326] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Ivanhoe : Ho! Jolly Jenkin | Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45329] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | I'll sing thee songs of Araby | Henry Burr | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45330] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Maritana : In happy moments | Henry Burr | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45331] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Jocelyn : Angels guard thee [Berceuse] | Henry Burr | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45335] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Christmas carols | Chimes soloist (unidentified; Leeds & Catlin Records) ; Orchestra (probably Leeds & Catlin house orchestra) | Orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45336] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | The star of Bethlehem | Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal solo, with organ | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45343] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | I'm crazy 'bout a big brass band | Len Spencer | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45344] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | The sailor's grave | Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal solo, with orchestra | |
Leeds & Catlin | [L & C cat 45345] | 10-in. | approximately mid-1906 | Land of hope and glory | Frank C. Stanley | Male vocal solo, with orchestra |
Discography of American Historical Recordings, s.v. "Recordings made on Wednesday, October 31, 1906," accessed September 19, 2024,
Recordings made on Wednesday, October 31, 1906. (2024). In Discography of American Historical Recordings. Retrieved September 19, 2024, from
Recordings made on Wednesday, October 31, 1906." Discography of American Historical Recordings. UC Santa Barbara Library, 2024. Web. 19 September 2024.
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