Recordings made Friday, February 6, 1925

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= Recordings are available for online listening. = Recordings were issued from this master. No recordings issued from other masters.

CompanyMatrix NumberSizeFirst Take DateTitlePrimary PerformerDescription
VictorC-3160112-in.12/23/1924QuintetHarold Bauer ; Flonzaley QuartetPiano quintet 
VictorC-3160212-in.12/23/1924QuintetHarold Bauer ; Flonzaley QuartetPiano quintet 
VictorC-3160312-in.12/23/1924QuintetHarold Bauer ; Flonzaley QuartetPiano quintet 
VictorC-3160412-in.12/23/1924QuintetHarold Bauer ; Flonzaley QuartetPiano quintet 
VictorC-3160612-in.12/23/1924QuintetHarold Bauer ; Flonzaley QuartetPiano quintet 
VictorB-3172010-in.1/26/1925Première leçon (Lesson no. 1)Louis AllardLanguage instruction 
VictorB-3176010-in.1/26/1925Deuxième leçon (Lesson no. 2)Louis AllardLanguage instruction 
VictorB-3177210-in.1/27/1925Cinquième leçon (Lesson no. 5)Louis AllardLanguage instruction 
VictorB-3183410-in.2/6/1925JutelymOrkiestra WitkowskiegoOrchestra 
VictorB-3183510-in.2/6/1925Walc mańcia mnie szuka bojej serce pukaOrkiestra WitkowskiegoOrchestra 
VictorB-3183610-in.2/6/1925Auf der ReeperbahnIvan FrankMale vocal solo, with cello and orchestra 
VictorB-3183710-in.2/6/1925Wenn Du nicht kannst, lass' mich malIvan FrankMale vocal solo, with violin, cello, and orchestra 
VictorB-3191110-in.2/6/1925Treizième leçon (Lesson no. 13)Louis AllardLanguage instruction 
VictorB-3191810-in.2/6/1925PanderetaOrquesta InternacionalOrchestra 
VictorB-3191910-in.2/6/1925Me neenyahInternational Novelty OrchestraOrchestra 
VictorB-3192010-in.2/6/1925Quatorzième leçon (Lesson no. 14)Louis AllardLanguage instruction 
VictorB-3192310-in.2/6/1925No wonderInternational Novelty OrchestraOrchestra, with male vocal solo 
VictorB-3192410-in.2/6/1925La canción de la escobaJosé MoricheMale vocal solo, with orchestra 
VictorB-3192510-in.2/6/1925La danza de las libélulasJosé MoricheMale vocal solo, with orchestra 
VictorPB-5910-in.1/23/1925PlaymatesHenry Halstead ; Henry Halstead OrchestraJazz/dance band 
VictorPB-8210-in.2/6/1925My dearest prayerFairmont Hotel Orchestra ; Rudy SeigerJazz/dance band 
VictorPB-8310-in.2/6/1925California lullabyFairmont Hotel Orchestra ; Rudy SeigerJazz/dance band 
VictorPB-8410-in.2/6/1925Oh! That we two were mayingFairmont Hotel Orchestra ; Rudy SeigerJazz/dance band 
VictorPB-8510-in.2/6/1925Moonlight and roses (bring mem'ries of you)Henry Halstead ; Henry Halstead OrchestraJazz/dance band, with male vocal solo 
Columbia14032510-in.2/6/1925Honey chileCyrena Van GordonContralto vocal solo, with orchestra 
Columbia14032610-in.2/6/1925Keep smiling at troubleColumbians Dance Orchestra De LuxeJazz/dance band 
Columbia14032710-in.2/6/1925Tokio bluesColumbians Dance Orchestra De LuxeJazz/dance band 
Columbia14032810-in.2/6/1925Mah Lindy LouCyrena Van GordonContralto vocal solo, with orchestra 
Brunswick14833-1483510-in.2/6/1925Mishawaka bluesCotton PickersJazz/dance band 
Brunswick14836-1483910-in.2/6/1925Jacksonville galCotton PickersJazz/dance band 
BrunswickX14840-X1484112-in.2/6/1925HosannaMario ChamleeTenor vocal solo, with orchestra 
BrunswickX14842-X1484312-in.2/6/1925Open the gates of the templeMario ChamleeTenor vocal solo, with orchestra 
Brunswick338W-340W10-in.2/6/1925Oh, Katharina!Ben Bernie OrchestraJazz/dance band 
Brunswick341W-343W10-in.2/6/1925Hello 'Tucky!Ben Bernie OrchestraJazz/dance band 
Edison999410-in.2/6/1925Vesničko máFrantišek A. PangrácMale vocal solo, with orchestra 
Edison999510-in.2/6/1925Uz mou milou do kostela vedouFrantišek A. PangrácMale vocal solo, with orchestra 


Discography of American Historical Recordings, s.v. "Recordings made on Friday, February 6, 1925," accessed September 17, 2024,

Recordings made on Friday, February 6, 1925. (2024). In Discography of American Historical Recordings. Retrieved September 17, 2024, from

Recordings made on Friday, February 6, 1925." Discography of American Historical Recordings. UC Santa Barbara Library, 2024. Web. 17 September 2024.


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