Recordings made Monday, June 13, 1938

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= Recordings are available for online listening. = Recordings were issued from this master. No recordings issued from other masters.

CompanyMatrix NumberSizeFirst Take DateTitlePrimary PerformerDescription
Victor8082510-in.6/13/1938Meu pranto ninguém vêOrlando SilvaMale vocal solo, with instrumental ensemble 
Victor8082610-in.6/13/1938Eu sinto vontade de chorarOrlando SilvaMale vocal solo 
Victor8082710-in.6/13/1938Errei, erramosOrlando SilvaMale vocal solo, with instrumental ensemble 
VictorBS-02357410-in.6/13/1938Madrigal españolOrquesta Terig Tucci ; Lucrecia SarriaFemale vocal solo, with instrumental ensemble 
VictorBS-02357510-in.6/13/1938Suray-suritaOrquesta Terig Tucci ; Lucrecia SarriaFemale vocal solo, with instrumental ensemble 
VictorBS-02357610-in.6/13/1938VidalitaOrquesta Terig Tucci ; Lucrecia SarriaFemale vocal solo, with instrumental ensemble 
VictorBS-02357710-in.6/13/1938Serenata de MurciaOrquesta Terig Tucci ; Lucrecia SarriaFemale vocal solo, with instrumental ensemble 
VictorBS-02357810-in.6/13/1938El piropoOrquesta Terig Tucci ; Lucrecia SarriaFemale vocal solo, with instrumental ensemble 
VictorBS-02357910-in.6/13/1938Tus ojosCarlos V. Maldonado ; Orquesta Terig Tucci ; Lucrecia SarriaFemale-male vocal duet, with instrumental ensemble 
Gramophone0LA261710-in.6/13/1938Du soleil dans les yeuxAdrien Adrius ; L'Accordeoniste Adolphe Deprince Orchestre Instrumental ensemble, with male vocal solo 
Gramophone0RA299810-in.5/31/1938Du und du (Walzer)Vienna Waltz OrchestraInstrumental ensemble 
Gramophone0RA300010-in.5/31/1938Japanischer LaternentanzKonzertorchester ; Bruno Seidler-WinklerInstrumental ensemble 
Gramophone0RA300110-in.5/31/1938Chinesische StrassenserenadeKonzertorchester ; Bruno Seidler-WinklerInstrumental ensemble 
Gramophone0RA305310-in.6/13/1938G'schichten aus dem Wiener Wald (Walzer)Vienna Waltz OrchestraInstrumental ensemble 
Decca6395110-in.6/13/1938Old black JoeFrank Luther  
Decca6395210-in.6/13/1938Massa's in de cold cold groundFrank Luther  
Decca6395310-in.6/13/1938Swanee river/Old folks at homeFrank Luther  
Decca6395410-in.6/13/1938My old Kentucky homeFrank Luther  
Decca6395510-in.6/13/1938Beautiful dreamerFrank Luther  
Decca6395610-in.6/13/1938Come where my love lies dreamingFrank Luther  
Decca6395710-in.6/13/1938Serenade (Toselli)Decca Salon Orchestra  
Decca6395810-in.6/13/1938Frasquita serenadeDecca Salon Orchestra  
Decca6395910-in.6/13/1938Black eyesDecca Salon Orchestra  
Decca6396010-in.6/13/1938Two guitarsDecca Salon Orchestra  
Decca6396110-in.6/13/1938The swanDecca Salon Orchestra  
Decca6396210-in.6/13/1938Serenade (Schubert)Decca Salon Orchestra  
Decca6396310-in.6/13/1938Alt WienDecca Salon Orchestra  
Decca6396410-in.6/13/1938Melody in FDecca Salon Orchestra  
Decca6396510-in.6/13/1938Elegie (Massenet)Decca Salon Orchestra  
Decca6396610-in.6/13/1938Traumerei (Schumann)Decca Salon Orchestra  
Decca6396710-in.6/13/1938The song is endedLouis Armstrong ; Mills Brothers  
Decca6396810-in.6/13/1938My walking stickLouis Armstrong ; Mills Brothers  
Decca6397410-in.6/13/1938Jenny's welcome to CharlieHugh (Hughie) Gillespie  
Decca6397510-in.6/13/1938Master Crowley's favoritesHugh (Hughie) Gillespie  
Decca6397610-in.6/13/1938Dowd's favoriteHugh (Hughie) Gillespie  
Decca6397710-in.6/13/1938VersevannaHugh (Hughie) Gillespie  
Decca6397810-in.6/13/1938Farewell to Letrim ; Tom SteeleHugh (Hughie) Gillespie  
Decca6397910-in.6/13/1938McKenna's farewellHugh (Hughie) Gillespie  
Decca6414810-in.6/13/1938King Cotton stompRice Brothers Gang  
Decca6414910-in.6/13/1938I love my saviourRice Brothers Gang  
Decca6415010-in.6/13/1938On the Jericho roadRice Brothers Gang  
Decca6415110-in.6/13/1938MarieRice Brothers Gang  
Decca6415210-in.6/13/1938On the sunny side of the streetRice Brothers Gang  
Decca6415310-in.6/13/1938Sweet someoneRice Brothers Gang  
Decca6415410-in.6/13/1938Cheatin' on your babyRice Brothers Gang  
Decca6415510-in.6/13/1938Mood indigoRice Brothers Gang  
Columbia (U.K.)CL675110-in.6/13/1938Derrière la cliqueFréhel ; Orchestre Musette PierrotFemale vocal solo, with instrumental ensemble 
Columbia (U.K.)CL675210-in.6/13/1938Chanson des fortifsPierre Chagnon ; FréhelFemale vocal solo, with orchestra 
Columbia (U.K.)CL675310-in.6/13/1938La mome catch-catchFréhel ; Orchestre Musette PierrotFemale vocal solo, with instrumental ensemble 
Columbia (U.K.)CL675410-in.6/13/1938L'amour des hommesPierre Chagnon ; FréhelFemale vocal solo, with orchestra 


Discography of American Historical Recordings, s.v. "Recordings made on Monday, June 13, 1938," accessed September 7, 2024,

Recordings made on Monday, June 13, 1938. (2024). In Discography of American Historical Recordings. Retrieved September 7, 2024, from

Recordings made on Monday, June 13, 1938." Discography of American Historical Recordings. UC Santa Barbara Library, 2024. Web. 7 September 2024.


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