Recordings made Tuesday, July 17, 1906

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= Recordings are available for online listening. = Recordings were issued from this master. No recordings issued from other masters.

CompanyMatrix NumberSizeFirst Take DateTitlePrimary PerformerDescription
VictorB-353510-in.7/17/1906Aa Ola Ola min egjen OngjeHjalmar E. RörenMale vocal solo, with piano 
VictorB-353610-in.7/17/1906Jeg lagde mig Saa SildigHjalmar E. RörenMale vocal solo, with piano 
VictorC-353712-in.7/17/1906Casey at the batDe Wolf HopperRecitation 
VictorB-353810-in.7/17/1906Sonner af NorgeHjalmar E. RörenMale vocal solo, with piano 
VictorE-35398-in.7/17/1906For Norge, kjæmpers fødelandHjalmar E. RörenMale vocal solo, with piano 
VictorB-354010-in.7/17/1906Det Norske flagHjalmar E. RörenMale vocal solo, with piano 
VictorB-354110-in.7/17/1906Saeterjentens söndagHjalmar E. RörenMale vocal solo, with piano 
VictorB-354210-in.7/17/1906Millom bakkar og berg ut med havetHjalmar E. RörenMale vocal solo, with piano 
VictorE-35438-in.7/17/1906Syng kun i din ungdoms vaarHjalmar E. RörenMale vocal solo, with piano 
VictorE-35448-in.7/17/1906StudentersangHjalmar E. RörenMale vocal solo, with piano 
VictorB-354510-in.7/17/1906Ja vi elskerHjalmar E. RörenMale vocal solo, with piano 


Discography of American Historical Recordings, s.v. "Recordings made on Tuesday, July 17, 1906," accessed September 8, 2024,

Recordings made on Tuesday, July 17, 1906. (2024). In Discography of American Historical Recordings. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from

Recordings made on Tuesday, July 17, 1906." Discography of American Historical Recordings. UC Santa Barbara Library, 2024. Web. 8 September 2024.


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