Georges Sellers

Birth and Death Data: Born March 24, 1907 (Martigues), Died April 11, 1987 (Cannes)

Date Range of DAHR Recordings: 1930 - 1942

Roles Represented in DAHR: composer, leader, accordion, songwriter

= Recordings are available for online listening.
= Recordings were issued from this master. No recordings issued from other masters.


Company Matrix No. Size First Recording Date Title Primary Performer Description Role Audio
Gramophone 0G79 10-in. 1/22/1931 J'aime les femmes M. Nicholas Amato ; Georges Sellers Male vocal solo, with accordion solo and orchestra instrumentalist, accordion  
Gramophone 0G182 10-in. 2/5/1931 J'ai deux amours George Sellers Orchestra Jazz/dance band, with vocal leader  
Gramophone 0G184 10-in. 2/5/1931 Elle a du chien George Sellers Orchestra Jazz/dance band, with vocal leader, songwriter  
Gramophone 0G489 10-in. 3/19/1931 Nous sommes seuls M. Nicholas Amato ; Georges Sellers Male vocal solo, with accordion solo and orchestra instrumentalist, accordion  
Gramophone BG863 10-in. 9/30/1930 La blonde Elisabeth Georges Sellers Accordion solo instrumentalist, accordion  
Gramophone BG864 10-in. 9/30/1930 Oh, Donna Clara Georges Sellers Accordion solo instrumentalist, accordion  
Gramophone 0LA2432 10-in. 10/2/1938 La chanson de marseille (Roulez! Roulez!) Adrien Adrius ; L'Accordeoniste Adolphe Deprince Orchestre Instrumental ensemble, with male vocal solo composer  
Columbia (U.K.) WL3695 10-in. 6/11/1932 En dansant la rumba Pierre Chagnon ; Adrien Lamy Male vocal solo, with instrumental ensemble composer  
Columbia (U.K.) CL5410 10-in. 6/11/1935 Pour t'avoir au clair de lune Marcel Carivan ; Tino Rossi Male vocal solo, with instrumental ensemble composer  
Columbia (U.K.) CL6156 10-in. 5/3/1937 Si vous pensiez à moi George Sellers Orchestra ; Marcel Véran Male vocal solo, with instrumental ensemble composer, leader  
Columbia (U.K.) CL6157 10-in. 5/3/1937 Au soleil de Marseille George Sellers Orchestra ; Marcel Véran Male vocal solo, with instrumental ensemble composer, leader  
Columbia (U.K.) CL6442 10-in. 11/16/1937 Sur mon you-you Alexander et son Orchestre ; Adrien Lamy Male vocal solo, with instrumental ensemble composer  
Columbia (U.K.) CL6489 10-in. 12/15/1937 A marseille un soir Jazz Marseillais (George Sellers) ; Georges Sellers ; Marcel Véran Male vocal solo, with instrumental ensemble leader  
Columbia (U.K.) CL6490 10-in. 12/15/1937 L'amour est un roman qu'il ne faut jamais croire Jazz Marseillais (George Sellers) ; Georges Sellers ; Marcel Véran Male vocal solo, with instrumental ensemble composer, leader  
Columbia (U.K.) CL6856 10-in. 11/24/1938 C'est le printemps Jazz Marseillais (George Sellers) ; Georges Sellers ; Marcel Véran Male vocal solo, with instrumental ensemble leader, composer  
Columbia (U.K.) CL6857 10-in. 11/24/1938 La rumba des roses Jazz Marseillais (George Sellers) ; Georges Sellers ; Marcel Véran Male vocal solo, with instrumental ensemble leader, composer  
Columbia (U.K.) CL6858 10-in. 11/24/1938 La Pétoulette Jazz Marseillais (George Sellers) ; Georges Sellers ; Marcel Véran Male vocal solo, with instrumental ensemble leader, composer  
Columbia (U.K.) CL6859 10-in. 11/24/1938 Un regard de femme Jazz Marseillais (George Sellers) ; Georges Sellers ; Marcel Véran Male vocal solo, with instrumental ensemble leader, composer  
Columbia (U.K.) CL7589 10-in. 3/26/1942 Le papa de Pépa Pierre Chagnon ; Fernandel Male vocal solo, with instrumental ensemble composer  


Discography of American Historical Recordings, s.v. "Sellers, Georges," accessed November 10, 2024,

Sellers, Georges. (2024). In Discography of American Historical Recordings. Retrieved November 10, 2024, from

"Sellers, Georges." Discography of American Historical Recordings. UC Santa Barbara Library, 2024. Web. 10 November 2024.

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