Arnold Spoel

Birth and Death Data: Born 1850 (Dordrecht), Died December 11, 1934

Date Range of DAHR Recordings: 1912 - 1918

Roles Represented in DAHR: composer

= Recordings are available for online listening.
= Recordings were issued from this master. No recordings issued from other masters.


Company Matrix No. Size First Recording Date Title Primary Performer Description Role Audio
Victor B-20971 10-in. 11/13/1917 Wij willen Holland houen J. van Bommel Male vocal solo, with orchestra composer  
Columbia 75601 12-in. approximately 1912 Van eene Koningsvrouwe Carel Butter Baritone vocal solo, with orchestra composer  
Columbia 75606 12-in. approximately 1913 Van eene Koningsvrouwe Carel Butter Baritone vocal solo, with orchestra composer  


Discography of American Historical Recordings, s.v. "Spoel, Arnold," accessed November 13, 2024,

Spoel, Arnold. (2024). In Discography of American Historical Recordings. Retrieved November 13, 2024, from

"Spoel, Arnold." Discography of American Historical Recordings. UC Santa Barbara Library, 2024. Web. 13 November 2024.

DAHR Persistent Identifier



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