Betsy Lane Shepherd

Birth and Death Data: Born 1882, Died 1955

Date Range of DAHR Recordings: 1916 - 1929

Roles Represented in DAHR: soprano vocal, vocalist

= Recordings are available for online listening.
= Recordings were issued from this master. No recordings issued from other masters.

Recordings (Results 1-25 of 149 records)

Company Matrix No. Size First Recording Date Title Primary Performer Description Role Audio
Victor B-26832 10-in. 8/17/1922 While the years roll by Elliott Shaw ; Betsy Lane Shepherd Female-male vocal duet, with orchestra vocalist, soprano vocal  
OKeh S-71951 10-in. October 1923 Do, re, me Helen Clark ; Betsy Lane Shepherd Female vocal duet, with orchestra vocalist, soprano vocal  
Edison 4778 10-in. 6/9/1916 Who is Sylvia? Betsy Lane Shepherd Soprano vocal solo, with orchestra vocalist, soprano vocal  
Edison 4803 10-in. 6/19/1916 Comin' thro' the rye Betsy Lane Shepherd Soprano vocal solo, with orchestra vocalist, soprano vocal  
Edison 4842 10-in. 7/3/1916 L'été Betsy Lane Shepherd Soprano vocal solo, with orchestra vocalist, soprano vocal  
Edison 4843 10-in. 7/5/1916 Home, sweet home Betsy Lane Shepherd Female vocal solo, with orchestra vocalist, soprano vocal  
Edison 4880 10-in. 7/17/1916 Sweet Genevieve Ida Gardner Contralto vocal solo and mixed vocal quartet, with orchestra vocalist, soprano vocal  
Edison 4909 10-in. 7/26/1916 List! The cherubic host Thomas Chalmers Male vocal solo and female vocal ensemble, with orchestra vocalist, soprano vocal  
Edison 4951 10-in. 8/25/1916 Madrigal Betsy Lane Shepherd ; Hardy Williamson Female-male vocal duet, with orchestra vocalist, soprano vocal  
Edison 4959 10-in. 8/30/1916 Good King Wenceslas The Carol Singers Mixed vocal ensemble, with orchestra vocalist, soprano vocal  
Edison 4964 10-in. 9/1/1916 Nazareth Wilfred Glenn Male vocal solo and mixed vocal ensemble, with orchestra vocalist, soprano vocal  
Edison 4970 10-in. 9/6/1916 Ring out, wild bells The Carol Singers Mixed vocal chorus, with orchestra vocalist, soprano vocal  
Edison 4971 10-in. 9/6/1916 O sing to God Helen Clark ; Oratorio Chorus ; Betsy Lane Shepherd Vocal duet (soprano and contralto) and mixed vocal ensemble, with orchestra vocalist, soprano vocal  
Edison 5051 10-in. 10/6/1916 Take this letter to my mother Will Oakland Male vocal solo and mixed vocal trio, with orchestra vocalist, soprano vocal  
Edison 5070 10-in. 10/12/1916 Who will care for Mother now? Will Oakland Male vocal solo and mixed vocal trio, with orchestra vocalist, soprano vocal  
Edison 5075 10-in. 10/18/1916 Calm as the night Betsy Lane Shepherd Soprano vocal solo, with orchestra vocalist, soprano vocal  
Edison 5081 10-in. 10/20/1916 Eyes have a language all their own Irving Kaufman Male vocal solo and female vocal trio, with orchestra vocalist, soprano vocal  
Edison 5111 10-in. 10/30/1916 Madrigal Redferne Hollinshead ; Betsy Lane Shepherd Vocal duet (soprano and tenor), with orchestra vocalist, soprano vocal  
Edison 5127 10-in. 11/3/1916 Ah! Linger yet a moment Redferne Hollinshead ; Betsy Lane Shepherd Vocal duet (soprano and tenor), with orchestra vocalist, soprano vocal  
Edison 5211 10-in. 12/13/1916 Were my song with wings provided Betsy Lane Shepherd Soprano vocal solo, with orchestra vocalist, soprano vocal  
Edison 5213 10-in. 12/13/1916 In the gloaming Betsy Lane Shepherd Soprano vocal solo, with orchestra vocalist, soprano vocal  
Edison 5217 10-in. 12/15/1916 Sing on Betsy Lane Shepherd Female vocal solo, with orchestra vocalist, soprano vocal  
Edison 5218 10-in. 12/15/1916 Golden sunshine George Wilton Ballard ; Betsy Lane Shepherd Female-male vocal duet, with orchestra vocalist, soprano vocal  
Edison 5272 10-in. 1/8/1917 Unfold, ye portals everlasting Oratorio Chorus Mixed vocal chorus, with orchestra vocalist, soprano vocal  
Edison 5275 10-in. 1/9/1917 Hold Thou my hand Metropolitan Quartet Mixed vocal ensemble, with orchestra vocalist, soprano vocal  
(Results 1-25 of 149 records)


Discography of American Historical Recordings, s.v. "Shepherd, Betsy Lane," accessed September 18, 2024,

Shepherd, Betsy Lane. (2024). In Discography of American Historical Recordings. Retrieved September 18, 2024, from

"Shepherd, Betsy Lane." Discography of American Historical Recordings. UC Santa Barbara Library, 2024. Web. 18 September 2024.

DAHR Persistent Identifier



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