Arthur Jones

Date Range of DAHR Recordings: 1923 - 1928

Roles Represented in DAHR: harp

= Recordings are available for online listening.
= Recordings were issued from this master. No recordings issued from other masters.

Recordings (Results 1-25 of 237 records)

Company Matrix No. Size First Recording Date Title Primary Performer Description Role Audio
Victor BVE-46462 10-in. 9/20/1928 Roses of yesterday Jesse Crawford Pipe organ solo, with harp instrumentalist, harp  
Victor BVE-46498 10-in. 10/5/1928 I loved you then as I love you now Jesse Crawford Pipe organ solo, with harp instrumentalist, harp  
Brunswick B65-B67 10-in. 8/5/1924 Coming home Marie Morrisey Contralto vocal solo, with string quartet and piano instrumentalist, harp  
Brunswick B68-B70 10-in. 8/5/1924 Just a-wearyin’ for you Marie Morrisey Female vocal solo, with string quartet and piano instrumentalist, harp  
Brunswick 12182 10-in. 12/24/1923 Luna d’estate! Giacomo Lauri-Volpi Tenor vocal solo, with orchestra instrumentalist, harp  
Brunswick 12436 10-in. 2/2/1924 Danse des mirlitons Capitol Grand Orchestra Orchestra instrumentalist, harp  
Brunswick X12915 12-in. 4/17/1924 O du mein holder Abendstern Friedrich Schorr Baritone vocal solo, with orchestra instrumentalist, harp  
Brunswick 13971 10-in. 10/16/1924 I love you truly Marie Morrisey Contralto vocal solo, with orchestra instrumentalist, harp  
Brunswick 10668-10670 10-in. 5/16/1923 Serenade Fredric Fradkin ; Arthur Jones Violin solo, with harp instrumentalist, harp  
Brunswick X10819-X10821 12-in. 6/8/1923 Ave Maria Florence Easton ; Fredric Fradkin Soprano vocal solo, with violin, organ, and harp instrumentalist, harp  
Brunswick 11240-11241 10-in. 9/10/1923 There's a land Frank Oldfield Male vocal solo, with orchestra instrumentalist, harp  
Brunswick 11242-11243 10-in. 9/10/1923 Calling me home to you Agnes Adie Female vocal solo, with orchestra instrumentalist, harp  
Brunswick 11244-11246 10-in. 9/11/1923 No night there Winifred Lugrin-Fahey Female vocal solo, with male vocal trio and orchestra instrumentalist, harp  
Brunswick 11247-11248 10-in. 9/11/1923 The ragged vagabond Frank Oldfield Male vocal solo, with orchestra instrumentalist, harp  
Brunswick 11249-11250 10-in. 9/11/1923 I heard you go by Agnes Adie Female vocal solo, with orchestra instrumentalist, harp  
Brunswick 11251-11252 10-in. 9/11/1923 Parted Albert Downing Male vocal solo, with orchestra instrumentalist, harp  
Brunswick 11253-11255 10-in. 9/11/1923 My ain folk Agnes Adie Female vocal solo, with orchestra and cello obbligato instrumentalist, harp  
Brunswick 11256-11258 10-in. 9/11/1923 Two eyes of grey Albert Downing Male vocal solo, with orchestra instrumentalist, harp  
Brunswick 11259-11261 10-in. 9/12/1923 Homing Winifred Lugrin-Fahey Female vocal solo, with orchestra and violin obbligato instrumentalist, harp  
Brunswick 11262-11263 10-in. 9/12/1923 A Devonshire wedding Frank Oldfield Male vocal solo, with orchestra instrumentalist, harp  
Brunswick 11264-11266 10-in. 9/12/1923 Break o' day Agnes Adie Female vocal solo, with orchestra instrumentalist, harp  
Brunswick 11267-11269 10-in. 9/12/1923 Serenade Albert Downing Male vocal solo, with orchestra and violin obbligato instrumentalist, harp  
Brunswick 11270-11272 10-in. 9/12/1923 Sally in our alley Albert Downing Male vocal solo, with orchestra and violin obbligato instrumentalist, harp  
Brunswick 11273-11274 10-in. 9/12/1923 Drake goes west Frank Oldfield Male vocal solo, with orchestra instrumentalist, harp  
Brunswick 11333-11334 10-in. 9/17/1923 Calling me home Agnes Adie Female vocal solo, with orchestra instrumentalist, harp  
(Results 1-25 of 237 records)


Discography of American Historical Recordings, s.v. "Jones, Arthur," accessed October 10, 2024,

Jones, Arthur. (2024). In Discography of American Historical Recordings. Retrieved October 10, 2024, from

"Jones, Arthur." Discography of American Historical Recordings. UC Santa Barbara Library, 2024. Web. 10 October 2024.

DAHR Persistent Identifier



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