Victor Mixed Chorus
Date Range of DAHR Recordings: 1911 - 1942
Roles Represented in DAHR: Vocal group
= Recordings are available for online listening.
= Recordings were issued from this master. No recordings issued from other masters.
Recordings (Results 1-25 of 142 records)
Company | Matrix No. | Size | First Recording Date | Title | Primary Performer | Description | Role | Audio |
Victor | C-11071 | 12-in. | 10/10/1911 | Song medley no. 1 : Snyder successes | Victor Mixed Chorus | Chorus, with orchestra | Vocal group | |
Victor | C-11181 | 12-in. | 11/3/1911 | Songs of America, no. 1 | Victor Mixed Chorus | Chorus, with orchestra | Vocal group | |
Victor | C-11357 | 12-in. | 12/12/1911 | National airs of all nations | Victor Mixed Chorus | Chorus, with orchestra | Vocal group | |
Victor | C-11572 | 12-in. | 2/7/1912 | Song medley no. 2 : Feist favorites | Victor Mixed Chorus | Chorus, with orchestra | Vocal group | |
Victor | C-11750 | 12-in. | 3/20/1912 | Weber-Fields winners | Victor Mixed Chorus | Chorus | Vocal group | |
Victor | CVE-11909 | 12-in. | 10/31/1927 | Songs of Ireland | Victor Mixed Chorus | Mixed vocal chorus, with orchestra | Vocal group | |
Victor | C-11909 | 12-in. | 4/24/1912 | Songs of Ireland | Victor Mixed Chorus | Chorus (octet), with orchestra | Vocal group | |
Victor | C-12045 | 12-in. | 5/23/1912 | Song medley no. 4 : Remick refrains | Victor Mixed Chorus | Chorus, with orchestra | Vocal group | |
Victor | CVE-12116 | 12-in. | 10/31/1927 | Songs of Scotland | Victor Mixed Chorus | Mixed vocal chorus, with orchestra | Vocal group | |
Victor | C-12116 | 12-in. | 6/19/1912 | Songs of Scotland | Victor Mixed Chorus | Chorus, with orchestra | Vocal group | |
Victor | C-12506 | 12-in. | 10/10/1912 | Christmas songs and carols | Victor Mixed Chorus | Chorus, with orchestra | Vocal group | |
Victor | C-13362 | 12-in. | 5/28/1913 | Song medley, no. 5, 'Remick review' | Victor Mixed Chorus | Chorus, with orchestra | Vocal group | |
Victor | C-13363 | 12-in. | 5/28/1913 | Song medley, no. 6, 'Snyder specials' | Victor Mixed Chorus | Chorus, with orchestra | Vocal group | |
Victor | CVE-13723 | 12-in. | 5/11/1927 | Sea songs | Victor Mixed Chorus | Vocal chorus and soloists, with orchestra | Vocal group | |
Victor | C-13723 | 12-in. | 9/4/1913 | Medley of sea songs | Victor Mixed Chorus | Chorus, with orchestra | Vocal group | |
Victor | C-13859 | 12-in. | 9/25/1913 | Summer is a-coming in | Olive Kline ; Victor Mixed Chorus | Chorus and soprano vocal solo, with harp | Vocal group | |
Victor | BVE-14569 | 10-in. | 3/30/1928 | America | Victor Mixed Chorus | Vocal chorus and soloists, with orchestra | Vocal group | |
Victor | B-14569 | 10-in. | 3/13/1914 | America | Victor Mixed Chorus | Chorus, with orchestra | Vocal group | |
Victor | BVE-14570 | 10-in. | 3/30/1928 | The star spangled banner | Victor Mixed Chorus | Vocal chorus, with orchestra | Vocal group | |
Victor | B-14570 | 10-in. | 3/13/1914 | The star spangled banner | Victor Mixed Chorus | Chorus, with orchestra | Vocal group | |
Victor | B-14571 | 10-in. | 3/13/1914 | The red, white and blue | Victor Mixed Chorus | Chorus, with orchestra | Vocal group | |
Victor | B-14572 | 10-in. | 3/13/1914 | Hail Columbia! | Victor Mixed Chorus | Chorus, with orchestra | Vocal group | |
Victor | C-15304 | 12-in. | 10/30/1914 | Sinfonia pastorale | Victor Mixed Chorus | Vocal chorus, with orchestra | Vocal group | |
Victor | CVE-16098 | 12-in. | 1/13/1927 | Songs of the past, no. 1 | Victor Mixed Chorus | Vocal chorus and soloists, with orchestra | Vocal group | |
Victor | C-16098 | 12-in. | 6/17/1915 | Songs of the past, no. 1 | Victor Mixed Chorus | Vocal chorus and soloists, with orchestra | Vocal group |
Discography of American Historical Recordings, s.v. "Victor Mixed Chorus," accessed September 9, 2024,
Victor Mixed Chorus. (2024). In Discography of American Historical Recordings. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from
"Victor Mixed Chorus." Discography of American Historical Recordings. UC Santa Barbara Library, 2024. Web. 9 September 2024.
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