Edgar Leslie

Edgar Leslie (December 31, 1885 – January 22, 1976) was an American songwriter.

Birth and Death Data: Born December 31, 1885 (Stamford), Died January 22, 1976 (New York City)

Date Range of DAHR Recordings: 1909 - 1947

Roles Represented in DAHR: lyricist, songwriter, composer, arranger

= Recordings are available for online listening.
= Recordings were issued from this master. No recordings issued from other masters.

Recordings (Results 201-225 of 533 records)

Company Matrix No. Size First Recording Date Title Primary Performer Description Role Audio
Victor BS-058237 10-in. 12/6/1940 America, I love you Barry Wood Male vocal solo, with orchestra lyricist  
Victor PBS-061378 10-in. 7/23/1941 Is it taboo? (To fall in love with you) Freddy Martin Orchestra ; Clyde Rogers Jazz/dance band, with male vocal solo lyricist  
Victor BS-067747 10-in. 9/3/1941 Is it taboo? (To fall in love with you) Artie Shaw Orchestra Jazz/dance band lyricist  
Victor BS-067763 10-in. 9/9/1941 Is it taboo? (To fall in love with you) Dinah Shore Female vocal solo, with jazz/dance band lyricist  
Victor BS-070655 10-in. 1/5/1942 We've got to do a job on the Japs, baby Art Jarrett Orchestra ; Gale Robbins Jazz/dance band, with female and male vocal solos and male vocal quartet songwriter  
Victor BS-071856 10-in. 2/17/1942 Tomorrow's sunrise Bob Chester Orchestra ; Gene Howard Jazz/dance band, with male vocal solo lyricist  
Victor BS-074092 10-in. 2/19/1942 Tomorrow's sunrise Joe Martin ; Jan Savitt ; Top Hatters Jazz/dance band, with male vocal solo lyricist  
Victor BS-075209 10-in. 5/19/1942 For me and my gal Californians ; Abe Lyman ; Billy Sherman Jazz/dance band, with male vocal solo lyricist  
Victor D5VB-0004 10-in. 1/2/1945 Moon over Miami Vaughn Monroe's Orchestra Male vocal solo, with vocal chorus and instrumental ensemble lyricist  
Victor D6VB-2619 10-in. 8/6/1946 Among my souvenirs Herbie Fields Orchestra Jazz/dance band lyricist  
Victor D7VB-0778 10-in. 8/7/1947 Love will keep us young Nancy Evans ; Wayne King Orchestra Female vocal solo, with instrumental ensemble lyricist, arranger  
Victor D7VB-2571 10-in. 12/3/1947 The moon was yellow Heywood Trio Instrumental trio lyricist  
Victor D7VB-3103 10-in. 12/30/1947 The moon was yellow Vaughn Monroe ; Vaughn Monroe's Orchestra Male vocal solo, with vocal chorus and jazz/dance band lyricist  
Victor BVE-Test-1105 10-in. 5/6/1930 I remember you from somewhere Roberta Robinson Female vocal solo, with piano lyricist  
Victor [Trial 1918-05-15-02] Not documented 5/15/1918 When Alexander takes his ragtime band to France Bee Palmer Female vocal solo, with piano songwriter  
Columbia 4159 10-in. ca. Jan.-Sept. 1909 Sweetheart's a pretty name when it is Y-O-U Columbia Quartette Male vocal quartet, with orchestra lyricist  
Columbia 4294 10-in. ca. 1909-Feb. 1910 Sadie Salome (Go home) Bob Roberts Male vocal solo, with orchestra songwriter  
Columbia 19256 10-in. 3/9/1911 You can't make me stop loving you Will Oakland Male vocal solo, with orchestra lyricist  
Columbia 19584 10-in. 10/3/1911 Where love is king Charles Harrison ; Beulah Gaylord Young Female-male vocal duet, with orchestra lyricist  
Columbia 38948 10-in. 7/15/1913 Salvation Nell Peerless Quartet Male vocal quartet, with orchestra lyricist  
Columbia 39018 10-in. 9/16/1913 Oh you million dollar doll Peerless Quartet Male vocal quartet, with orchestra lyricist  
Columbia 39037 10-in. 10/10/1913 Down in Monkeyville Collins and Harlan Male vocal duet, with orchestra lyricist  
Columbia 39106 10-in. 11/20/1913 He'd have to get under, get out and get under William J. Halley Male vocal solo, with orchestra lyricist  
Columbia 39286 10-in. 3/17/1914 They don't hesitate any more William J. Halley Male vocal solo, with orchestra lyricist  
Columbia 39300 10-in. 3/25/1914 He'd push it along William J. Halley Male vocal solo, with orchestra lyricist  
(Results 201-225 of 533 records)


Discography of American Historical Recordings, s.v. "Leslie, Edgar," accessed October 9, 2024, https://adpprod2.library.ucsb.edu/names/103129.

Leslie, Edgar. (2024). In Discography of American Historical Recordings. Retrieved October 9, 2024, from https://adpprod2.library.ucsb.edu/names/103129.

"Leslie, Edgar." Discography of American Historical Recordings. UC Santa Barbara Library, 2024. Web. 9 October 2024.

DAHR Persistent Identifier

URI: https://adpprod2.library.ucsb.edu/names/103129

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