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Edith Piaf

Édith Piaf (born Édith Gassion; 19 December 1915 – 10 October 1963) was a French singer best known for performing songs in the cabaret and modern chanson genres. Noted as France's national chanteuse, she was one of the country's most widely known international stars.

Piaf's music was often autobiographical, and she specialized in chanson réaliste and torch ballads about love, loss and sorrow. Her most widely known songs include "La Vie en rose" (1946), "Non, je ne regrette rien" (1960), "Hymne à l'amour" (1949), "Milord" (1959), "La Foule" (1957), "L'Accordéoniste" (1940), and "Padam, padam..." (1951).

Since her death in 1963, several biographies and films have studied her life, including 2007's La Vie en rose. Piaf has become one of the most celebrated performers of the 20th century.

Birth and Death Data: Born December 19, 1915 (Paris), Died October 10, 1963 (Grasse)

Date Range of DAHR Recordings: 1941 - 1955

Roles Represented in DAHR: vocalist, lyricist, songwriter, composer

= Recordings are available for online listening.
= Recordings were issued from this master. No recordings issued from other masters.

Recordings (Results 26-50 of 121 records)

Company Matrix No. Size First Recording Date Title Primary Performer Description Role Audio
Columbia (U.K.) CL8148 10-in. 4/23/1946 Adieu mon coeur Guy Luypaerts ; Edith Piaf Female vocal solo, with orchestra vocalist  
Columbia (U.K.) CL8149 10-in. 4/23/1946 Le chant du pirate Guy Luypaerts ; Edith Piaf Female vocal solo, with orchestra vocalist  
Columbia (U.K.) CL8150 10-in. 4/23/1946 C'est merveilleux Edith Piaf Female vocal solo, with orchestra vocalist  
Columbia (U.K.) CL8187 10-in. 6/25/1946 Dans les prisons de Nantes Compagnons de la Chanson ; Edith Piaf Female vocal solo, with vocal chorus vocalist  
Columbia (U.K.) CL8188 10-in. 6/25/1946 Céline Compagnons de la Chanson ; Edith Piaf Female vocal solo, with vocal chorus vocalist  
Columbia (U.K.) CL8216 10-in. 7/17/1946 Le roi a fait battre tambour Compagnons de la Chanson ; Edith Piaf Female vocal solo and vocal ensemble vocalist  
Columbia (U.K.) CL8287 10-in. 1/4/1947 La vie en rose Guy Luypaerts ; Edith Piaf Female vocal solo, with orchestra vocalist, lyricist  
Columbia (U.K.) CL8288 10-in. 1/4/1947 Un refrain courait dans la rue Edith Piaf Female vocal solo, with orchestra lyricist, vocalist  
Columbia (U.K.) CL8452 10-in. 10/6/1947 Qu'as-tu fait John? Robert Chauvigny ; Edith Piaf Female vocal solo, with orchestra vocalist  
Columbia (U.K.) CL8559 10-in. 6/11/1948 Les amants de Paris Edith Piaf Female vocal solo, with orchestra vocalist  
Columbia (U.K.) CL8560 10-in. 6/11/1948 Monsieur Lenoble Edith Piaf Female vocal solo, with orchestra vocalist  
Columbia (U.K.) CL8564 10-in. 7/19/1948 Il pleut Edith Piaf Female vocal solo, with orchestra vocalist  
Columbia (U.K.) CL8638 10-in. 2/3/1949 Dany Robert Chauvigny ; Orchestre Robert Chauvigny ; Edith Piaf Female vocal solo, with orchestra vocalist, lyricist  
Columbia (U.K.) CL8639 10-in. 2/3/1949 Paris Robert Chauvigny ; Edith Piaf Female vocal solo, with orchestra vocalist  
Columbia (U.K.) CL8640 10-in. 2/9/1949 Le prisonnier de la tour Robert Chauvigny ; Choeur Raymond Saint-Paul ; Edith Piaf Female vocal solo, with orchestra and vocal ensemble vocalist  
Columbia (U.K.) CL8641 10-in. 2/9/1949 Pour moi tout' seule Robert Chauvigny ; Choeur Raymond Saint-Paul ; Edith Piaf Female vocal solo, with orchestra and vocal ensemble vocalist  
Columbia (U.K.) CL8642 10-in. 2/9/1949 Bal dans ma rue Robert Chauvigny ; Edith Piaf Female vocal solo, with orchestra vocalist  
Columbia (U.K.) CL8706 10-in. 7/21/1949 L'orgue des amoureux Robert Chauvigny ; Edith Piaf Female vocal solo, with orchestra vocalist  
Columbia (U.K.) CL8707 10-in. 7/21/1949 Pleure pas Robert Chauvigny ; Edith Piaf Female vocal solo, with orchestra vocalist  
Columbia (U.K.) CL8789 10-in. 5/2/1950 Hymne a l'amour Robert Chauvigny ; Choeur Raymond Saint-Paul ; Edith Piaf Female vocal solo, with orchestra and vocal ensemble vocalist, lyricist  
Columbia (U.K.) CL8798 10-in. 5/11/1950 La petite Marie Robert Chauvigny ; Edith Piaf Female vocal solo, with orchestra vocalist, lyricist  
Columbia (U.K.) CL8828 10-in. 6/19/1950 Tous les amoureux chantent Robert Chauvigny ; Edith Piaf Female vocal solo, with orchestra vocalist  
Columbia (U.K.) CL8829 10-in. 6/19/1950 Le ciel est fermé Robert Chauvigny ; Choeur Raymond Saint-Paul ; Edith Piaf Female vocal solo, with orchestra and vocal ensemble vocalist  
Columbia (U.K.) CL8835 10-in. 6/20/1950 Il fait bon t'aimer Robert Chauvigny ; Edith Piaf Female vocal solo, with orchestra vocalist  
Columbia (U.K.) CL8836 10-in. 6/20/1950 Le chevalier de Paris Robert Chauvigny ; Edith Piaf Female vocal solo, with orchestra vocalist  
(Results 26-50 of 121 records)


Discography of American Historical Recordings, s.v. "Piaf, Edith," accessed September 20, 2024,

Piaf, Edith. (2024). In Discography of American Historical Recordings. Retrieved September 20, 2024, from

"Piaf, Edith." Discography of American Historical Recordings. UC Santa Barbara Library, 2024. Web. 20 September 2024.

DAHR Persistent Identifier


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