Columbia (U.K.) matrix CL6715. Deux coeurs sous un parapluie / Jo Bouillon ; Orchestre Jo Bouillon ; Jean Visconti

Deux coeurs sous un parapluie (Primary title)Roig
Authors and ComposersNotes
Jo Bouillon (composer)
Réné Beaux (composer)
Henri Lemarchand (lyricist)
Fernand Vimont (lyricist)
Composer information source: Sheet music.
PersonnelNotes Hide Additional Titles
Orchestre Jo Bouillon (Musical group)
Jo Bouillon (conductor)
Jean Visconti (vocalist)
  • Description: Male vocal solo, with instrumental ensemble
  • Category: Vocal
  • Language: French
  • Master Size: 10-in.
Information on this recording derives from data compiled by Michael Gray, including the Columbia recording logs held by the archives of the former EMI France, and other sources as indicated.
Description and personnel are not confirmed. Roig claims this selection was performed by a vocal trio, while contemporaneous sheet music explicitly notes that the song was created and recorded for Columbia Records and sung by Jean Visconti.
Source(s): Gray (recording date); Copeland (recording location).
Take Date and PlaceTakeStatusLabel Name/NumberFormatNote Hide Additional Titles
5/20/1938 Paris, France 1 Master Columbia (France) DF-2335 10-in.


Discography of American Historical Recordings, s.v. "Columbia (U.K.) matrix CL6715. Deux coeurs sous un parapluie / Jo Bouillon ; Orchestre Jo Bouillon ; Jean Visconti," accessed September 16, 2024,

Columbia (U.K.) matrix CL6715. Deux coeurs sous un parapluie / Jo Bouillon ; Orchestre Jo Bouillon ; Jean Visconti. (2024). In Discography of American Historical Recordings. Retrieved September 16, 2024, from

"Columbia (U.K.) matrix CL6715. Deux coeurs sous un parapluie / Jo Bouillon ; Orchestre Jo Bouillon ; Jean Visconti." Discography of American Historical Recordings. UC Santa Barbara Library, 2024. Web. 16 September 2024.


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