Gennett matrix 8919. Popular songs of the past / Criterion Quartet

Popular songs of the past (Primary title)Disc label
Part I (Title part)Disc label
In the good old summer time ; Down where the cotton blossoms grow ; In the shade of the old apple tree ; Blue bell (Medley contents)Disc label
PersonnelNotes Hide Additional Titles
Criterion Quartet (Vocal group)Listed as Criterion Quartette.
  • Description: Male vocal quartet, with orchestra
  • Category: Vocal
  • Language: English
  • Master Size: 10-in.
Information on Gennett Records derives from data compiled and provided by Malcolm Rockwell and Charlie Dahan. Original sources consulted are noted in “sources.”
Source(s): Gennett Recording Cards (IJS); Blacker files (IJS); Rockwell; Abrams; disc.
Take Date and PlaceTakeStatusLabel Name/NumberFormatNote Hide Additional Titles
6/11/1924 New York, New York [Unlettered first take] Master Gennett 5513 10-in.
6/11/1924 New York, New York [Unlettered first take] Master Starr-Gennett (Canada) 9577 10-in.


Discography of American Historical Recordings, s.v. "Gennett matrix 8919. Popular songs of the past / Criterion Quartet," accessed November 14, 2024,

Gennett matrix 8919. Popular songs of the past / Criterion Quartet. (2024). In Discography of American Historical Recordings. Retrieved November 14, 2024, from

"Gennett matrix 8919. Popular songs of the past / Criterion Quartet." Discography of American Historical Recordings. UC Santa Barbara Library, 2024. Web. 14 November 2024.


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